Grateful for ...

Life is complex, but expressing gratitude is a simple tool that can lead to hope, love, happiness, change and so much more. There are many ways to communicate gratitude, whether it’s a simple “thank you,” to the cashier at the grocery store, admiring the beautiful fall leaves as the seasons change, or thanking your higher power for your health and good fortune.
A wonderful practice is writing down a list of gratitudes in a journal every night before bed. Or perhaps you and a friend can hold each other accountable by sending a brief message every night about what you are grateful for. Taking time to reflect on your day—the good, the bad and the ugly—allows introspection and an opportunity to find gratitude in even the smallest of things and events. Daily life can feel mundane, but making a point to appreciate the tiny pockets of beauty that are sprinkled in our lives is uplifting and a renewable source of hope.
Even in our darkest moments, there is always something to be grateful for. In times of hopelessness, gratitude is a way of pulling yourself out of the muck and into a more positive mindset.
Spreading gratitude allows you to connect with others on a deeper level and brings more joy and appreciation into our world. Be a part of the world’s positivity.
We are eternally grateful for all our incredible clients and vendors, and to express our gratitude we’re offering 15% off all Kaia Earth products with the discount code GRATITUDE at checkout.