2021: Embracing self-love & healing
Happy 2021! We hope everyone has had a great start to the new year.
January was eventful for us here at Kaia Earth. Our fierce founder, Gloria, had a terrible fall while taking a walk at the lake at the beginning of the year, resulting in major injuries to her ribs, arm and wrist. She’s had two surgeries on her wrist so far, and we’re grateful to say both went well.
For over a month, Gloria has been focused on her recovery. Despite the pain and inability to move around independently, she’s still a bright light. Gloria is no stranger to adversity, and as she said to me on the phone, “Adversity makes us stronger.” Her strength and positive mentality is inspirational.
Gloria truly lives by the values of Kaia Earth: emit positivity; embrace healing; reserving time to work on yourself internally is a necessity in life. Throughout her recovery, Gloria has been doing a lot of meditating--cleansing her mind, which will translate physically to help her body heal.
Life throws us lemons, and oftentimes it’s hard to “make lemonade” when tragedy strikes. But Gloria is a shining example of recognizing the beauty in life and making the most out of hard times. She understands that the universe has handed her an opportunity to focus on herself, prioritize healing her mind and her body, and taking life one day at a time.
We encourage you to do the same. Life can get chaotic, but it’s important for both our mental and physical health to put ourselves first, and recognize that there are silver linings in even the darkest of times, we just have to remain patient.
Stay safe & stay healthy. Sending lots of love & healing to Gloria.