Have a Sun-safe Summer

The countdown to summer is on; the days are getting longer, lawn mowers are sounding, and the flowers are in full bloom.
With the sun finally peeking out from behind the clouds, it’s important to take care of your skin. Fair or dark, everyone’s skin deserves ample protection against the sun’s UVA/UVB rays. According to skincancer.org, one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.
The best way to prevent yourself from becoming one of these statistics is to use sunscreen every day, limit your exposure to the sun and avoid tanning beds. For workers with traditional 9 to 5 jobs, limiting sun exposure is relatively easy during the week. Nonetheless, using sunscreen should be a vital step in your skin care regiment on a daily basis.
Sunscreen is traditionally thought to leave an oily sheen and have a distinct scent. However, brands are becoming increasingly skilled at creating sunscreens, especially for the face, that aren’t oily or attached to a strong smell.
While skin cancer should be the primary concern when it comes to sun exposure, the sun also leads to premature signs of aging, more than 90% of visible aging signs are caused by the sun. Blotches, dullness, fine lines, freckles, wrinkles, and broken and dilated blood vessels are know to be SIDE EFFECTS of sun damage. In order to protect yourself from early onset wrinkles, it’s imperative to use a good moisturizer. Keeping the skin moist and supple will not reverse signs of aging, but it is a great way to slow down the aging process.
If you haven’t found the perfect moisturizer to include in your daily regiment, give Kaia Earth’s Intensive Botanical Night Cream. Free of any harmful chemicals, fragrances, synthetic preservatives, colorants, and GMOs, Kaia Earth’s products are a no brainer for those looking to protect their body’s largest organ—skin.
Kaia Earth makes skin care simple. Cleanse with your preferred face wash and follow it up with our Intensive Botanical Night Cream and Pure Moisturizer Serum. End with an organic sunscreen that, like Kaia Earth, is free of chemicals, fragrances and synthetic preservatives.
Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to be difficult. Treat your skin the way it deserves to be treated.
Happy summer!