How To: Live Environmentally Friendly

On Friday, June 5 we celebrate World Environment Day, a global initiative encouraging citizens to act #ForNature.
Everything we consume comes from nature--our food, our water, even the air we breathe. The cotton fabric of our clothing grows in nature. Our skin care products we lather on our face come from nature. All of the ingredients in Kaia Earth’s products were thoughtfully designed to come from completely natural, organic materials that are derived from nature. The plants are ethically sourced, and they prioritize animal safety and environmental stability in their resource gathering.
It feels like the world is up in arms. From the coronavirus forcing us into quarantine for months, to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and riots and protests fighting against unjust police brutality toward African Americans, it’s clear we’re experiencing what will become a historical point in time.
Perhaps you feel stuck, unsure of what to do or how to make a difference with such critical issues. According to World Environmental Day, nature is sending the world a message during these “exceptional” times: “To care for ourselves we must care for nature.”
This seems at once wickedly challenging yet oversimplified. But World Environmental Day has instructions. The website reads, “It’s time to wake up. To take notice. To raise our voices. It’s time to build back better for people and planet.”
We as humans are responsible for acting decisively to protect our environment. The world around us affects the well-being of its citizens as well as the economic development of the world. Celebration of World Environment Day gives us the opportunity to highlight the importance of preserving and enhancing the environment any way we can.
World Environment Day has three steps for getting involved and making a difference: Learn, Share and Act.
Tips for educating yourself on environmental issues:
- Find out what efforts your city is making to address environmental protection
- Find out if the cosmetics and other products you use contain harmful microbeads with the Beat the Microbead app
Tips for sharing the message on World Environmental Day:
- Share a meaningful post on social media and tag people/communities/organizations asking them to join in the conversation
- Ensure that you’re using credible sources to counter the spread of misinformation
Tips for acting on World Environmental Day (and every day):
- Minimize your use of household chemicals that can be toxic for soil and groundwater.
- Explore how to purchase more locally sourced food, skincare and other products
- Take a look at Kaia Earth Skin Care and others environmentally-friendly brands that are delivering excellent products that are safe for the environment.